About the Author

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My name is Sydney Fischer, and I am currently a senior at Gettysburg College. I am a Sociology major and Business minor, graduating in May 2021. This site showcases my Sociology capstone project, in which I analyze the effect that McDonald’s advertisements have on the growth of the child obesity epidemic.


Following my graduation in May 2021, I will be working as an HR Generalist for Northwell Health. My previous work experience has prepared me for this role, and I am excited to begin my professional career.

I have always had an interest in health and wellness, and my long-term career goals include applying to graduate school to obtain a Master of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. After earning the required degree, I hope to become a Registered Dietician and work to assist people who may have diet-related health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, or other diseases. Additionally, with my background knowledge of business and management, I hope to one day be able to have the opportunity to open my own practice or work alongside others in a large organization
