McDonald’s Advertisements and Their Role in Childhood Obesity

This research analyzes the question: What is the effect of national obesity rates on the representation of children in McDonald’s advertising?

This content analysis examines the relationship between the way children are represented in McDonald’s advertisements and the childhood obesity epidemic. The purpose of this research is to determine if McDonald’s advertisements have a strong enough influence over children that could lead to a rise in the consumption of fast-food, and consequently a rise in obesity rates.

The research found on this digital portfolio was completed for my capstone project, which concludes my Sociology major at Gettysburg College. This research closely connects to my career goals, as I hope to go into the field of Nutrition and Dietetics. The child obesity epidemic is widespread, and this research question is important to look at due to the fact that fast-food comprises a large part of many American’s diets, especially beginning at a young age. Children who adopt these eating habits early on may develop diet-related health conditions later on in life, which is why there needs to be more awareness surrounding healthy diets and lifestyles.
